Pills - Wan

All Products are produced under GMP Requirements from finely selected herbal materials which have been tested for active constituents, contamination of heavy metals , pesticides and mycotoxins. Finished products are further controlled for residues of heavy metals to meet the EU food standaards. They do not contain protected endangered species or other pharmaceuticals.

What is: PIAN, WAN, TANG, SAN, SHUI and GAO?
Example: Liu wei di huang wan or Liu wei di huang pian 

PIAN = Tablet (modern looking pill)
WAN = Pill (old-style or handmade pill, or black teapill)
TANG = Water Decoction (boiled whole herbs)
SAN = Powder (milled or granulated)
SHUI = Tincture (extract with alcohol or other solvent)
GAO = Paste (topical unguent or plaster)
​Ke Li = Powder (Granulated 5:1)

1 box of pills goes by 8,3 days (indication of the comment boxes)
1 box contains 200 pills, Recommended use : 8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after meals. (24pills)

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  • huoxiang zhengqi wan
    huoxiang zhengqi wan

    Functions and Indications: Relieving the exterior and removing dampness, regulating Qi and harmonizing the Zhong. It is used for exogenous wind and cold, internal injury and dampness, severe headache, dizziness, chest and…

    € 14,50
  • Jia Wei Bao He Wan - Mild Form Plus - 加味保和丸
    Jia Wei Bao He Wan - Mild Form Plus - 加味保和丸

    Jia Wei Bao He Wan - Mild Form Plus - 加味保和丸

    0.18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation,

    Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma9%, Poria9%, Citri reticulatae Pericarpium 17%, Magnoliae officinalis Cortex9%, Aurantii…

    € 7,25
  • Jia Wei Bao He Wan - 加味保和丸
    Jia Wei Bao He Wan - 加味保和丸

    Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan
    Astachi Form PillsReleasing the exterior, resolving dampness, and regulating the functions of the Spleen and the Stomach.

    Main Ingredients: (refer the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8…

    € 7,25
  • Jia Wei Li Zhong Wan - 加味理中丸
    Jia Wei Li Zhong Wan - 加味理中丸

    Jia Wei Li Zhong Wan
    Midrif Form PillsWarming the Middle-Jiao, reinforcing the Spleen and the Stomach.

    Main Ingredients: (see the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times…

    € 7,25
  • Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan - Ease  Plus Wan  - 加味逍遥丸
    Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan - Ease Plus Wan - 加味逍遥丸

    Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan
    Ease Plus Form PillsSoothing the stagnated Liver-Qi, strengthening the Spleen, and nourishing the blood.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before…

    € 8,00
  • Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan - Easeplus form
    Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan - Easeplus form

    Product Names:
    Easeplus Form Pills
    Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,25
  • Jia Wei Xiao yao wan - Easeplus form - 加味逍遥丸
    Jia Wei Xiao yao wan - Easeplus form - 加味逍遥丸

    Jia Wei Xiao yao wan - Easeplus form
    0,20g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Radix Bupleuri 11%
    Radix Angelicae sinesis 11%
    Radix Paeoniae Alba 11%
    Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae 11%
    Poria 11%
    Radix Glycyrrhizae…

    € 7,50
  • Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan - 加味逍遥丸
    Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan - 加味逍遥丸

    Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan
    Easeplus Form PillsSoothing the Liver, strengthening the Spleen, nourishing the Blood and regulating menstruation.

    Ingredients: (See the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each…

    € 6,75
  • Jia Wei Zuo Jin Wan - Stomach form - 加味左金丸
    Jia Wei Zuo Jin Wan - Stomach form - 加味左金丸

    Jia wei zuo jin wan - Stomach form - 加味左金丸

    Actions: Supports stomach function, Relieves stomach distension and fullness caused by Liver Qi stagnation, Clears Liver Heat , Stops…

    € 8,50
  • Jian bu wan - healthy step form
    Jian bu wan - healthy step form

    Product Names:
    Healthy Step Form Pills
    Jian Bu Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Jian Bu Wan - Healthystep Form - 健步丸
    Jian Bu Wan - Healthystep Form - 健步丸

    Jian Bu Wan
    Healthy Step Form PillsReplenishing the Liver and the Kidney, strengthening the tendons and bones.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 8,00
  • Jian pi wan - Codon wan
    Jian pi wan - Codon wan

    Product Names:
    Codon Form Pills
    Jian Pi Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after meals.Composition:

    € 8,50
  • Jian Pi Wan - Spleen Form - 健脾丸
    Jian Pi Wan - Spleen Form - 健脾丸

    Jian Pi Wan
    Spleen Form PillsInvigorating the Spleen, reducing food stagnation and stopping diarrhea.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 7,75
  • Jian Pi Wan - 健脾丸
    Jian Pi Wan - 健脾丸

    Jian Pi Wan
    Codon Form PillsInvigorating the Spleen, reducing food stagnation and stopping diarrhea.

    Ingredients: (See the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:

    € 6,75
  • Jiang Ya Wan -  降壓丸
    Jiang Ya Wan - 降壓丸

    Jiang Ya Wan
    Pressure Form PillsCalms the Liver and subdues the Yang to help maintain healthy blood pressure.

    Ingredients: (See the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen…

    € 6,75
  • Jie geng wan - 桔梗丸
    Jie geng wan - 桔梗丸

    Jie geng wan - 桔梗丸 - Cough and plegm Form

    Actions: Descends and Disperses Lung Qi, Helps to Stop Cough, Expels excess Phlegm, Promotes the Discharge of Pus, Benefits the Throat, and Directs Herbs to the Chest and…

    € 8,00
  • Jie yu an shen - Relax Form - 解郁安神丸
    Jie yu an shen - Relax Form - 解郁安神丸

    Jie yu an shen - Relax Form - 解郁安神丸
    0.18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Radix Bupleuri 5% Fructus Jujubae 5% Rhizoma Acori talarinowil 5% Rhizoma Pinelliae 5% Rhizoma Atractylodis…

    € 8,50
  • Jin gu die shang wan - jingle form
    Jin gu die shang wan - jingle form

    Product Names:
    Jingle Form Pills
    Jin Gu Die Shang Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Jin kui shen qi wan - Sexoton form
    Jin kui shen qi wan - Sexoton form

    Product Names:
    Sexoton Form Pills
    Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan - Sexoton Form - 金匮肾气丸
    Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan - Sexoton Form - 金匮肾气丸

    Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan
    Sexotn Form PillsWarming and reinforcing the Kidney.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals.
    NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:
    3 maal…

    € 8,00
  • Jin kui shen qi wan - Sexoton form - 金匮肾气丸 - Tong Ren Tang
    Jin kui shen qi wan - Sexoton form - 金匮肾气丸 - Tong Ren Tang

    ∙ Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan can tonify the kidney qi and mingmen (the gate of life), and replenish kidney yang with warm-nature herbs. It is used to treat the insrfficiency syndrome of kidney yang marked by lumbago, pedal flaccidity,…

    € 14,75
  • Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan - Sexoton from - 金匮肾气丸
    Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan - Sexoton from - 金匮肾气丸


    0.18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation,

    Rehmanniae Radix preparata28.1%, Rhizoma Dioscoreae7.1%, Fructus Corni7.1%, Poria21%, Cortex Moutan7.1%, Rhizoma Alismatis7.1%, Ramulus Cinnamomi7.1%,…

    € 7,75
  • Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan - 金匮肾气丸
    Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan - 金匮肾气丸

    Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan
    Sexoton Form PillsWarming and reinforcing the Kidney.

    Ingredients: (refer to the picture )

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:
    3 maal daags 8…

    € 7,75
  • Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan - Euryales Form - 金锁固精丸
    Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan - Euryales Form - 金锁固精丸

    Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
    Euryales Form PillsStrengthening the kidney and stemming nocturnal emissions due to Kidney and Liver depletion.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour…

    € 8,50
  • Jin suo gu jing wan - Golden lock
    Jin suo gu jing wan - Golden lock

    Product Names:
    Golden Lock Form Pills
    Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan - 金锁固精丸
    Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan - 金锁固精丸

    Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
    Golden Lock Form PillsStrengthening the kidney and stemming nocturnal emissions due to Kidney and Liver depletion.

    Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn, Euryale ferox, Poria cocos, Radix…

    € 6,75
  • Ju Geng Wan - Platyco Form - 桔梗丸
    Ju Geng Wan - Platyco Form - 桔梗丸

    Jie Geng Wan
    Platyco Form PillsTreating day and night coughing, phlegm and sore throat.Ingredients: (see the picture)Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals.
    NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:

    € 9,50
  • Ku shen Wan - Sophora Form - 苦参丸
    Ku shen Wan - Sophora Form - 苦参丸

    Ku Shen Wan
    Sophora Form PillsCool blood, dispel dampness.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals.
    NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:
    3 maal daags 8…

    € 9,50
  • Kun Bao Wan - Monoless - 坤宝丸 (更年康)
    Kun Bao Wan - Monoless - 坤宝丸 (更年康)

    Kun bao wan - Monoless form - 坤宝丸 (更年康)
    0.18g 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Fructus Ligustri Lucidi 7% Fructus Rubi 7% Semen Cuscutae 7% Fructus Lycii 5% Radix Polygoni Multiflori 4% Pericarpium Citri…

    € 7,50
  • Kun bao wan - 坤宝丸
    Kun bao wan - 坤宝丸

    Kun bao wan - Menopause Form - 坤宝丸

    Actions: Menopause syndrome caused by liver and kidney Yin deficiency, hot flashes , sweating, insomnia, forgetfulness, upset, irritability, dizziness, tinnitus and joint pain…

    € 7,50
  • Li Zhong Wan - Midrif Form - (附子)理中丸
    Li Zhong Wan - Midrif Form - (附子)理中丸

    Li Zhong Wan

    Formula actions:
    - Warms the Middle Jiao
    - Dispels Cold
    - Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach
    - Tonifies Qi

    -Spleen Yang Deficiency
    -Stomach Cold
    -Small Intestine Deficiency Cold
    -Middle Jiao Yang…

    € 8,00
  • Lian Qiao Bai Du Wan - 连翘败毒丸
    Lian Qiao Bai Du Wan - 连翘败毒丸

    Lian Qiao Bai Du Wan
    Forsythia Form PillsClearing heat, reducing inflammation, eliminating swelling and relieving pain.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times…

    € 7,25
  • Liu jun zi wan - Six-gentleman form
    Liu jun zi wan - Six-gentleman form

    Product Names:
    Six-Gentleman Form Pills
    Liu Jun Zi Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Liu wei di huang wan - Beijing tong ren tang  360pills
    Liu wei di huang wan - Beijing tong ren tang 360pills

    liuwei dihuang wan
    liu wei di huang wan
    Six Flavor Rehmanni
    Brand : Tong Ren Tang
    360 Pills (Concentrated Pills)Description

    This popular herbal supplement helps you maintain normal energy levels by supporting the health of the…

    € 14,75
  • Liu wei di huang wan - Six form
    Liu wei di huang wan - Six form

    Product Names:
    Six Form Pills
    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,25
  • Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - Six Form  - 六味地黄丸
    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - Six Form - 六味地黄丸

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
    Six Form PillsEnriching Yin and nourishing the kidney.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals.
    NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:

    € 7,75
  • Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - Six form - 六味地黄丸
    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - Six form - 六味地黄丸

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - Six form - 六味地黄丸

    0,20g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Shu di Huang Radix Rehmanniae praeparata 32%
    Jiu Yu Rou Fructus corni 6%
    Mu dan pi Cortex Moutan 12%
    Shan Yao Rhizoma Dioscoreae…

    € 7,25
  • Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - 六味地黄丸
    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - 六味地黄丸

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
    Six Flavor Rehmanni
    Rehmannia Six FormulaEnriching Yin and nourishing the kidney.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen…

    € 6,75
  • Long dan xie gan Wan  - Gentiana form - 龙胆泻肝丸
    Long dan xie gan Wan - Gentiana form - 龙胆泻肝丸

    Long Dan Xie Gan Wan
    Gentiana Form PillsRemoving damp-heat from the Liver and the Gallbladder.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 8,80
  • Long dan xie gan wan - Gentiana form
    Long dan xie gan wan - Gentiana form

    Long dan xie gan wan - Gentiana form

    0,18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation,

    Gentiaan 15%
    Bupleurum 15%
    Glidkruid 8%
    Gardenia 8%
    Waterplantaan 15%
    Weegbree 8%
    Chinese Angelwortel 8%
    Rehmannia 15%

    € 7,50
  • Long Dan Xie Gan Wan - 龙胆泻肝丸
    Long Dan Xie Gan Wan - 龙胆泻肝丸

    Long Dan Xie Gan Wan
    Gentiana Form PillsRemoving damp-heat from the Liver and the Gallbladder.

    Ingredients: (See the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:

    € 7,25
  • Mai Men Dong Tang Wan - Ophiopogon Decoction Form - 麦门冬汤丸
    Mai Men Dong Tang Wan - Ophiopogon Decoction Form - 麦门冬汤丸

    Mai Men Dong Tang Wan
    Ophiopogonis Form PillsMain Ingredients: (see the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:
    3 maal daags 8 pillen.D-Empfohlenen Anwendung:

    € 7,50
  • Mai wei di huang wan - Pogonis form
    Mai wei di huang wan - Pogonis form

    Product Names:
    Pogonis Form Pills
    Mai Wei Di Huang Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Mai wei di huang wan - Pogonis form - 麦味地黄丸
    Mai wei di huang wan - Pogonis form - 麦味地黄丸

    Mai Wei Di Huang Wan
    Pogonis Form PillsNourishing the kidney and enriching Yin, replenishing the lung and prolonging life.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1…

    € 7,75
  • Mai Wei Di Huang Wan - Pogonis Form - 麦味地黄丸
    Mai Wei Di Huang Wan - Pogonis Form - 麦味地黄丸

    Mai wei di huang wan - Pogonis form - 麦味地黄丸
    0.18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Ophiopogonis Radix15% Schisandrae Fructus 15% Radix Rehmannia Glutinosea22% Poria8% Moutan Cortex8% Alismatis Rhizoma8%…

    € 7,25
  • no image available

    Ming mu di huang wan - Bright eye form - 明目地黄丸

    Ming mu di huang wan - Bright eye form - 明目地黄丸

    Actions: Replenishes Liver and Kidney Yin, Disperses wind and Heat to improves eyesight.INGREDIENTS:
    Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata 18.17% Rhizoma…

    € 7,50
  • Ming mu di huang wan - Bright form
    Ming mu di huang wan - Bright form

    Product Names:
    Bright Form Pills
    Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,00
  • Ming Mu Di Huang Wan - Bright Form - 明目地黄丸
    Ming Mu Di Huang Wan - Bright Form - 明目地黄丸

    Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
    Bright Form PillsNourishing Yin of the Liver and the Kidney, improving eyesight.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 7,75
  • Ming Mu Ye Guang Wan - Eyes Form -(石斛)明目夜光丸
    Ming Mu Ye Guang Wan - Eyes Form -(石斛)明目夜光丸

    Ming mu ye guang wan - Eyes form - (石斛) 明目夜光丸
    0.18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Asparagi Radix 8%, Ginseng Radix 8%, Poria 8%, Schisandrae Fructus 3%, Tribuli Fructus 6%, Ligustricum Chuanxiong 3%,…

    € 7,25
  • Muxiang shunqi wan
    Muxiang shunqi wan

    Muxiang Shungqi wan
    Brand: Tong ren tang1 box contains 12 bags x 6 gram

    Effect: Promote the flow of qi, eliminate dampness, strengthen the spleen and harmonize the stomach.

    Indications: Abdominal distension, nausea with vomit,…

    € 14,50
  • Nao li bao wan - Capforti form
    Nao li bao wan - Capforti form

    Product Names:
    CapForti Form Pills
    Nao Li bao Wan
    0.2g x 100 pills per bottle
    Net weight 20 grams Suggested Use:
    4 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after meals.Composition:

    € 7,50
  • Niu Huang Jie Du Wan - 牛黄解毒丸
    Niu Huang Jie Du Wan - 牛黄解毒丸

    Niu Huang Jie Du Wan
    Yellow Form PillsRemoving heat and resolving fire toxin.

    Ingredients: (See the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:
    3 maal daags 8…

    € 7,50
  • NiuHuang Jianya Wan - Antihypertensive pills -  牛黄降压丸
    NiuHuang Jianya Wan - Antihypertensive pills - 牛黄降压丸

    NiuHuang Jianya Wan

    Brand: Tong Ren Tang

    Clears the heart and resolves phlegm, calms the liver and soothes the mind. It is used for dizziness, headache, insomnia, irritability and irritability caused by phlegm-heat, hypertensive…

    € 12,50
  • Nuan gong yun zi wan - Palace form
    Nuan gong yun zi wan - Palace form

    Product Names:
    Palace Form Pills
    Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,00
  • Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan - Palace Form - 暖宫孕子丸
    Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan - Palace Form - 暖宫孕子丸


    0.18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Rehmanniae Radix preparata10%, Eucommiae Cortex 10%, Dipsaci Radix 10%, Cyperi Rhizoma10%, Artemisiae argy Folium10%, Angelicae sinensis Radix10%,Ligustricum…

    € 7,25
  • Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan - 暖宫孕子丸
    Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan - 暖宫孕子丸

    Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan
    Palace Form PillsNourishing Yin and blood, warming the channels and dispelling cold; improving the flow of Qi and relieving pain.

    Ingredients: (See the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8…

    € 7,25
  • no image available

    Pi fu bing xue du wan - Clear skin form - 皮肤血毒丸

    Pi fu bing xue du wan - Clear skin form - 皮肤血毒丸
    0.18g 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Radix Rubiae 10% Persicae Semen 5% Folium et Cacumen Murrayae 5% Paeoniae Radix rubra 5% Angelicae sinensis Radix 5%…

    € 7,50
  • Pi Fu Bing Xue Du Wan - Skin Care Form -  皮肤病血毒丸
    Pi Fu Bing Xue Du Wan - Skin Care Form - 皮肤病血毒丸

    Pi Fu Bing Xue Du Wan
    Clear Skin Form PillsRemoving fever and clearing toxic in the blood. Improve blood circulation. Stop the inflammation and make the skin healthier.

    Main Ingredients:
    Radix rubiae 17.85%,…

    € 7,25
  • Pi Fu Xue Du Wan - Clear Skin Form - 皮肤血毒丸
    Pi Fu Xue Du Wan - Clear Skin Form - 皮肤血毒丸

    Pi Fu Xue Du Wan - Clear Skin Form - 皮肤血毒丸

    0.18g x 200 pillen per flesje ,Netto gewicht 36gAanbevolen gebruik:
    3 maal daags 8 pillen, 1 uur voor of 1 uur na de maaltijd.Ingrediënten:
    Radix Rbiae Cordifoliae (Rubio…

    € 9,80
  • Pian Tou Tong Wan - Migraine form - 偏头痛丸
    Pian Tou Tong Wan - Migraine form - 偏头痛丸

    Pian Tou Tong Wan - Migraine Form 偏头痛丸

    Actions: Calms the liver to ease pain, migraine, vascular headache, catatonic headache and other neuralgias

    Ingredients: Radix Angelicae Sinensis 12.5% Rhizoma…

    € 7,00
  • Pifubing Xuedu Wan -  Beijing Tongrentang
    Pifubing Xuedu Wan - Beijing Tongrentang

    Pifubing Xuedu Wan - Beijing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical
    1 botle contains 200 pillsProduct Category : Ears Eyes and Skin

    Functions and Indications : To remove toxins, clean blood, disperse heat and relieve irrritation.
    For eczema,…

    € 11,50
  • Ping Wei San Wan - 平胃散丸
    Ping Wei San Wan - 平胃散丸

    Ping Wei San Wan
    Stomach Dampclear Form Pills Tonify spleen qi, stem counterflow ascent of stomach qi, harmonizes the stomach, dispels damp.

    Main Ingredients: (refer to the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8…

    € 7,25
  • Qi ju di huang wan - Lycii form
    Qi ju di huang wan - Lycii form

    Product Names:
    Lycii Form Pills
    Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Qi Ju Di Huang Wan - Lycii Form 枸菊地黄丸
    Qi Ju Di Huang Wan - Lycii Form 枸菊地黄丸

    Qi Ju DI Huang Wan - Lycii Form - 枸菊地黄丸
    0.20g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Lycil Fructus 8%, Chrysanthemi Flos 8%, Rehmanniae Radix preparata 24%, Fructus Comil 5%,Moutan Cortex 10%, Dioscoreae Rhizoma…

    € 7,25
  • Qi Ju Di Huang Wan - 杞菊地黄丸
    Qi Ju Di Huang Wan - 杞菊地黄丸

    Qi Ju Di Huang Wan - Lycii Form Pills - 杞菊地黃丸

    Actions: Nourishing Yin of the Kidney and the Liver. Benefiting the eyes.0.19g/0.20g*200pills
    Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata 38% Fructus Corni 13.8% Rhizome…

    € 6,75
  • Qi Ju Du Huang Wan - Lychii Form - 杞菊地黄丸
    Qi Ju Du Huang Wan - Lychii Form - 杞菊地黄丸

    Qi Ju Du Huang Wan - Lychii Form - 杞菊地黄丸

    0.18g x 200 pillen per flesje Netto gewicht 36gAanbevolen gebruik:
    3 maal daags 8 pillen, 1 uur voor of 1 uur na de maaltijd.Ingrediënten:
    Radix Rehmanniae Preparata (Chinese…

    € 7,75
  • Qian Lie Xian Wan - Brassica Camp Form - 前列腺丸
    Qian Lie Xian Wan - Brassica Camp Form - 前列腺丸

    Qian Lie Xian Wan
    Brassica Camp Form PillsClear dampness turbidity,resolve stasis and dissipate masses.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 9,50
  • Qian Lie Xian Wan - 前列腺丸
    Qian Lie Xian Wan - 前列腺丸

    Qian Lie Xian Wan
    Brassica Camp Form PillsTonifies and enriches the Kidneys, clears deficiency heat, drains dampness and promotes urination.

    Main Ingredients: (see the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills…

    € 7,25
  • Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Wan - 羌活胜湿丸
    Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Wan - 羌活胜湿丸

    Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Wan - Notopterygium Form - 羌活勝濕丸

    Actions: For Wind-Dampness in the exterior and muscle level. Signs of heavy, painful head, heavy sensation in the body, back pain or generalized pain, difficulty…

    € 7,25
  • Qing du zhi yang wan - Calm skin form
    Qing du zhi yang wan - Calm skin form

    Product Names:
    Calm Skin Form Tablets
    Qing Du Zhi Yang Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 2-3 times a day , 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Qing huo xie gan wan - Gentiana form
    Qing huo xie gan wan - Gentiana form

    Product Names:
    Gentiana Form Pills
    Qing Huo Xie Gan Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan - Phlegm Clear Form - 清气化痰丸
    Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan - Phlegm Clear Form - 清气化痰丸

    Qing qi hua tan wan - Phlegm clear form

    0,20g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Fritillaria bulba cirrhosae 10%
    Scutellariae Radix 10%
    Citri reticulatae pericarpium 10%
    Armeniacae semen 10%
    Trichosanthis pericarpium…

    € 7,25
  • Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan - Phlegm Form - 清气化痰丸
    Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan - Phlegm Form - 清气化痰丸

    Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan - Phlegm Form - 清氣化痰丸
    Phlegm Clear Form PillsClearing heat and transforming phlegm, regulating Qi and stopping coughing.


    Semen Trichosa 16.8%
    Radix Scutellariac 16.8%
    Pericarpium Citri…

    € 7,25
  • EXPIRE DATE : 10-10-2024

    Qing Re An Chuang Wan - Puriface Form - 清热暗疮丸 EXPIRE DATE : 10-10-2024
    Qing Re An Chuang Wan - Puriface Form - 清热暗疮丸 EXPIRE DATE : 10-10-2024

    Qing Re An Chuang Wan
    Puriface Form PillsClearing heat and detoxification; removing turbidity and sores.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 9,75 € 3,50
  • Qingfei Yihuo Wan - 清肺抑火丸
    Qingfei Yihuo Wan - 清肺抑火丸

    Qingfei Yihuo Wan - 清肺抑火丸

    Clears the lungs and relieves cough, resolves phlegm and relieves constipation. It is used for cough, yellow and thick phlegm, dry mouth and sore throat, and dry stool caused by…

    € 16,50
  • no image available

    Ren Shen Gui Pi Wan - Ginseng Lilly Form - 人参归脾丸

    Ren Shen Gui Pi Wan - Ginseng Lilly Form - 人参归脾丸
    Radix Ginseng 28.81%
    Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10.17%
    Radix Astragali seu Hedysari 10.17%
    Poria 10.17%
    Radix Glycyrrhizae…

    € 7,50
  • Renshen Guipi wan - Tongrentang
    Renshen Guipi wan - Tongrentang

    Renshen Guipi Wan
    Ren Shen Gui Pi Wan
    Tongrentang1 botle contains 30 gram .10 grams is 100 pills

    Ingredients: ginseng, Atrac*lodes macrocephala (stir-fried with bran), Poria cocos, and licorice (roasted with honey). Astragalus…

    € 9,75
  • Renshen JianPi Wan - 人参健脾丸 - 6g x 10 pills
    Renshen JianPi Wan - 人参健脾丸 - 6g x 10 pills

    Ren Shen Jian Pi Wan - 人参健脾丸

    Direction: Oral administration. 2 pills each time, twice a day. Remove outer wax layer and plastic container before consumption. Chew or swallow in smaller portions.

    Each pill weights 6…

    € 14,75
  • Run chang wan - Regularity form
    Run chang wan - Regularity form

    Product Names:
    Regularity Form Pills
    Run Chang Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    4 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after meals.Composition:

    € 8,50
  • Run Chang Wan - Regularity Form - 润肠丸
    Run Chang Wan - Regularity Form - 润肠丸

    Run Chang Wan
    Regularity Form PillsMoistening the intestines and purging heat, promoting the movement of Qi and the bowels.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour…

    € 7,75
  • Run Chang Wan - 润肠丸
    Run Chang Wan - 润肠丸

    Run Chang Wan
    Regularity Form PillsMoistening the intestines and purging heat, promoting the movement of Qi and the bowels.Ingredients: (refer to the picture) GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times…

    € 6,75
  • San Huang  pian  - Three Yellow Form - 三黄片
    San Huang pian - Three Yellow Form - 三黄片

    San Huang Pian
    Three yellow Form TabletsClearing heat and detoxification, purging fire and relaxing the bowels.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 9,50
  • San Jin Qing Lin Wan - Octo Form - 三金清淋丸
    San Jin Qing Lin Wan - Octo Form - 三金清淋丸

    San Jin Qing Lin Wan - Octo Form - 三金清淋丸
    0.20g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    金钱草 Jin Qian Cao Lysimachiae Herba 10% ,海金沙 Hai Jin Sha Lygodii Spora 10% 金樱子 Jin Ying Zi Rosae Laevigatae…

    € 7,25
  • Sanhan Huoluo Wan - 散寒活络丸
    Sanhan Huoluo Wan - 散寒活络丸

    Sanhan Huoluo Wan - 散寒活络丸
    Functions and Indications: Chasing wind and dispelling cold, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals. For shoulders and backs caused by wind-cold-dampness. Pain, numbness in hands and feet,…

    € 12,50
  • Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Wan - Hawrhorn form - 山楂降脂丸
    Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Wan - Hawrhorn form - 山楂降脂丸

    Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Wan
    Hawrhorn Form PillsHelp maintain healthy fat metabolism and manage weight.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 9,75
  • Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Wan - 山楂降脂丸
    Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Wan - 山楂降脂丸

    Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Wan
    Hawrhorn Form PillsHelp maintain healthy fat metabolism and manage weight.

    Ingredients: (See the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen…

    € 7,25
  • Shao Fu Zhu Yu Wan - 少腹逐瘀汤丸
    Shao Fu Zhu Yu Wan - 少腹逐瘀汤丸

    Shao Fu Zhu Yu Wan
    Abdomclear Form Pills Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, warms the menses, and alleviates pain.

    Main Ingredients:

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times…

    € 7,25
  • Shen ling bai shu wan - Dolichos form - 参苓白术丸
    Shen ling bai shu wan - Dolichos form - 参苓白术丸

    Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan
    Dolichos Form PillsReinforcing the functions of the Spleen and the Stomach, leaching out dampness.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1…

    € 10,50
  • Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan -  参苓白术丸
    Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan - 参苓白术丸

    Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan
    Dolichos Form PillsReinforcing the functions of the Spleen and the Stomach, leaching out dampness.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times…

    € 7,50
  • Shen ling bai zhu wan - Dolichos Form - 参苓白术丸
    Shen ling bai zhu wan - Dolichos Form - 参苓白术丸

    Shen ling bai zhu wan - Dolichos Form

    Radix Ginseng 12,9% , Poria 12,9% , Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae 12,9% , Rhizoma Dioscoreae 12,9% , Semen Lablab album 9,5% , Semen Nelimbini 6,5% , Semen Coicis 6,5% ,…

    € 7,50
  • Shen qi da bu wan - Double force form
    Shen qi da bu wan - Double force form

    Product Names:
    Double Force Pills
    Shen Qi Da Bu Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Shen Tong Zhu Yu Wan - 身痛逐瘀丸
    Shen Tong Zhu Yu Wan - 身痛逐瘀丸

    Shen Tong Zhu Yu Wan - Great Invigorator Form Pills - 身痛逐瘀丸

    Actions: Removes blood stasis and Qi obstruction0.19g/0.20g*200pills
    Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae 25% Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 15% Radix…

    € 7,75
  • Sheng Mai San Wan - 生脉散丸
    Sheng Mai San Wan - 生脉散丸

    Sheng Mai San Wan
    Rhytmic Form PillsSupplement Qi and Yin, moistens dryness and stop excessive sweating.

    Codonopsis Radix, Ophiopogon Radix, Schisandra Fructus.

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each…

    € 7,25
  • Sheng Mai San Wan- Rhytmic Form - 生脉散 (丸)
    Sheng Mai San Wan- Rhytmic Form - 生脉散 (丸)

    Sheng Mai San Wan- Rhytmic Form - 生脉散丸

    0.18g x 200 pillen per flesje Netto gewicht 36gAanbevolen gebruik:
    3 maal daags 8 pillen, 1 uur voor of 1 uur na de maaltijd.Ingrediënten:
    Radix Codonopsis (Windeklokje…

    € 9,75
  • Shi Du Qing Wan - Damp Clear Form - 濕毒清丸
    Shi Du Qing Wan - Damp Clear Form - 濕毒清丸

    Shi Du Qing Wan - Damp Clear Form - 濕毒清丸Actions: Nourishing blood and moistening dryness, eliminating dampness and removing toxin, expelling wind evil and arresting itching.0.19g/0.20g*200pills
    Cortex Dictamni…

    € 7,50
  • Shi Quan Da Bu Wan -  十全大补丸
    Shi Quan Da Bu Wan - 十全大补丸

    Shi Quan Da Bu Wan
    Ten Complete Form PillsWarming and replenishing Qi and the blood.

    Main Ingredients: (refer to the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:

    € 7,25
  • Shi Quan Da Bu Wan - Ten Complete - 十全大补丸
    Shi Quan Da Bu Wan - Ten Complete - 十全大补丸

    Shi Quan Da Bu Wan
    Ten Complete Form PillsWarming and replenishing Qi and the blood.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals.

    € 10,50
  • Shi Quan Da Bu Wan - Ten Complete Form - 十全大补丸
    Shi Quan Da Bu Wan - Ten Complete Form - 十全大补丸

    Shi Quan Da Bu Wan - Ten Complete Form - 十全大补丸
    0.18g 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Radix Codonopsis 18% Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (stir-fried) 10% Poria 10% Radix Angelicae sinensis 15% Radix…

    € 7,25
  • Shou fu jiang zhi jian fei wan - slimming - 减肥降脂丸
    Shou fu jiang zhi jian fei wan - slimming - 减肥降脂丸

    Shou fu jiang zhi jian fei wan - Slimming - 减肥降脂丸
    Jian Fei WanIngredients:
    Sargassum 15% , Canola flos 5% . Luffa Cylindrica 15% , Crataegi Fructus 15% , Polygoni Multiflori Radix Preparata 15% , Folium Nelumbinis 10% ,…

    € 7,50
  • Shou Wu Wan - Polygoni Form - 首乌丸
    Shou Wu Wan - Polygoni Form - 首乌丸

    Shou Wu Wan
    Polygoni Form PillsNourishing the Liver and the Kidney, strengthening the tendons and bones, blackening grey hairs.


    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 9,75
  • Shou Wu Wan - 首乌丸
    Shou Wu Wan - 首乌丸

    Shou Wu Wan
    Polygoni Form PillsNourishing the Liver and the Kidney, strengthening the tendons and bones, blackening grey hairs.

    Main Ingredients: (see the picture)

    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times…

    € 7,50
  • Shu Gan Wan - Liver Form - 舒肝丸
    Shu Gan Wan - Liver Form - 舒肝丸

    ∙ Shu Gan Wan
    Liver Form PillsSoothing the liver and rectifying Qi, relieving flatulence and pain.Ingredients: (see the picture)Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after…

    € 7,75
  • Shu gan wan - Soothing form
    Shu gan wan - Soothing form

    Product Names:
    Soothing Form Pills
    Shu Gan Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after meals.Composition:

    € 8,00
  • Shu Jin Huo Luo Wan - 舒筋活络丸
    Shu Jin Huo Luo Wan - 舒筋活络丸

    Shu jin huo luo wan - Merilix Form - 舒筋活络丸
    0.20g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Cortex Acanthopanacis 12%, Clematidis Radix 9%, Notopterygii Rhizoma seu Radix 9%, Radix Rubiae 8%, Arisaema cum Bile 5%,…

    € 7,25
  • Shu Jin Huo Luo Wan - 舒筋活络丸
    Shu Jin Huo Luo Wan - 舒筋活络丸

    Shu Jin Huo Luo Wan
    Merilex Form PillsRelaxing muscles and tendons, stimulating blood flow and dissolving blood stasis.


    Cortex Acanthopanacis, Ramulus Cinnamomi, Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii, Radix…

    € 6,75
  • Shu jin huo xue wan - Merilex form
    Shu jin huo xue wan - Merilex form

    Product Names:
    Merilex Form Pills
    Shu Jin Huo Xue Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Shugan Hewei Wan - Liver and Stomach Pills
    Shugan Hewei Wan - Liver and Stomach Pills

    Shugan Hewei Wan - Liver and Stomach Pills
    Brand Tong ren Tang
    180 pills x 0,20g.
    Ingredients:Areca catechu fruit (bing lang),Atractylodes macrocephala root (bai zhu),Bupleurum falcatum root (chai hu),Citrus medica fruit (fo…

    € 11,50
  • Shun Qi Wan - 顺气丸
    Shun Qi Wan - 顺气丸

    (Mu Xiang) Shun Qi Wan - (木香)顺气丸Actions: Tonifies spleen qi, raises spleen yang, dispels damp, harmonizes liver and stomach, counters ascent of stomach qi, Alleviates Food…

    € 7,25
  • Si Miao Wan - Four Marvel Form - 四妙丸
    Si Miao Wan - Four Marvel Form - 四妙丸

    Si Miao Wan - Four Marvel Form - 四妙丸

    0,18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Atractylodis Rhizoma20%, Phellodendri Cortex32%, Archyranthus16%, Coicls Radix32%.Store in a cool and dry place.

    (EN) Recommended use:…

    € 7,25
  • Si Miao Wan - 四妙丸
    Si Miao Wan - 四妙丸

    Si Miao Wan
    Four Marvel Form PillsMain Ingredients: (see the picture)
    GB-Recommended use:
    Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:
    3 maal daags 8 pillen.D-Empfohlenen Anwendung:
    3 mal täglich 8…

    € 7,25
  • Si Wu Tang - Angel Four Form - 四物汤丸
    Si Wu Tang - Angel Four Form - 四物汤丸

    Si Wu Tang Wan
    Angel Four Form PillsTonifying the blood and regulating the Liver.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals.
    NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik:

    € 9,75
  • Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan - Zizyhus Form - 酸枣仁汤丸
    Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan - Zizyhus Form - 酸枣仁汤丸

    Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan
    Zizyphus Form PillsNourishing the blood, calming the spirit, clearing heat and relieving uneasiness.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1…

    € 10,50
  • Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan - Zizyphus - 酸枣仁汤丸
    Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan - Zizyphus - 酸枣仁汤丸

    Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan - Zizyphus Form - 酸枣仁汤丸
    0.18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation

    Semen Ziziphi Spinosae 42% Rhizoma Anemarrhenae 16% Poria 16% Rhizoma Chuanxiong 16% Radix Glycyrrhizae 10%[EN] Recommended…

    € 7,75
  • Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan -酸枣仁汤丸
    Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan -酸枣仁汤丸

    Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan
    Zizyphus Form PillsReplenishing Qi and blood.

    Main Ingredients:
    Semen Ziziphi Spinosae, Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Poria, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae.


    € 7,50
  • Tao Hong Si Wu Wan -  桃红四物丸
    Tao Hong Si Wu Wan - 桃红四物丸

    Tao Hong Si Wu Wan - Peach Form - 桃紅四物丸Actions: Tonifying and invigorating the blood, removing blood stasis and regulating menses.0.19g/0.20g*200pills
    Radix Angelicae Sinensis 25% Flos Carthami 25% Semen…

    € 7,15
  • Tao hong si wu wan - Peach form
    Tao hong si wu wan - Peach form

    Product Names:
    Peach Form Pills
    Tao Hong Si Wu Wan
    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams Suggested Use:
    8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after…

    € 8,50
  • Te Xiao Bi Min Gan Wan -  特效鼻敏感丸
    Te Xiao Bi Min Gan Wan - 特效鼻敏感丸

    Te Xiao Bi Min Gan Wan
    Allergy Season Form PillsClear Nasal Passages & Breathe Free Again, Naturally!

    Flos Chrysanthemi Indici, Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, Radix Platycodonis,…

    € 7,25
  • Te xiao bi min gan wan - Allergy season form - 特效鼻敏感丸
    Te xiao bi min gan wan - Allergy season form - 特效鼻敏感丸

    Product name:
    Te xiao bi min gan wan
    Allergy season formClear nasal passages & breathe free again, naturally!

    Made by :Gan su Lan Zhou


    0.18g x 200 pills per bottle
    Net weight 36 grams


    € 8,75
  • Te Xiao jing zhui tong wan - 特效颈椎痛丸
    Te Xiao jing zhui tong wan - 特效颈椎痛丸

    improve Qi flow, relax muscles and tendons and activate the energy channels. In TCM theory, neck discomfort can result from an invasion of Cold/Wind/Damp entering the channels supplying the neck area. NecKinder, by improving Qi…

    € 7,50
  • Tian Qi Die Da Wan - Notoginseng Form - 田七跌打丸
    Tian Qi Die Da Wan - Notoginseng Form - 田七跌打丸

    Tian Qi Die Da Wan
    Notoginseng Form PillsArrest of bleeding and removal of blood stasis, relief of swelling and pain.

    Ingredients: (see the picture)

    Recommended use:
    3 times daily 8 pills, 1 hour before or 1 hour…

    € 10,50
    121 - 240 van 332 resultaten

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