EXPIRE DATE : 11-06-2025

Zhenzhu Mingmu Diyanye - 珍珠明目滴眼液 - Pearl Eye Drops EXPIRE DATE : 11-06-2025

SKU: Z10960078
Item 34 of 34
€ 7,50 € 2,00 (including BTW/VAT)

Zhen zhu ming mu di yan ye - 珍珠明目滴眼液 
1 botle - 10ml


Each 1ml contains 20ul of pearl liquid, 1mg of borneol, 8.9mg of sodium chloride, 0.5mg of ethylparaben, and 6.25ul of ethanol.

Clears the liver, improves eyesight, relieves pain, and is used for early senile cataracts, chronic conjunctivitis, visual fatigue, etc. It can improve the distance vision of early senile cataracts in the near future, and can improve symptoms such as eye swelling, eye pain, dryness, and inability to read for a long time.

Usage and Dosage:
Drop into the eyelids, close the eyes for a while after dropping, 1~2 drops at a time. 3 to 5 times a day.

Sealed, cool and dark place (avoid light, no more than 20℃).

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