EXPIRE DATE : 22-03-2025

Bi Xie Shen Shi Ke Li - Dioscorea Form Granules EXPIRE DATE : 22-03-2025

SKU: 22153
Item 5 of 43
€ 30,50 € 18,50 (including BTW/VAT)

100g per bottle

Recommended use:
6 grams ( 1 spoon=3g ) to be taken 3 times a day, 15 minutes after meals, dissolved in boiled water.

每日3次, 每次6克(1勺=3克),飯後15分鐘溫開水衝服

Dioscorea opposita rhizome, Smilax glabra rhizoma, Coix lacryma-jobi var. mayuen seed, Prunella vulgaris spike, Dioscorea hypoglauca rhizome , Alisma orientalis rhizome, Dictamnus dasycarpus bark, Plantago asiatica seed, Lophatherum gracile leaf, Atactylodes lancea rhizoma, Paeonia suffruticosa bark, Pogostemon cablin,Tetrapanax papyriferus stem pith, bulking agent (maltodextrin).

山藥, 土茯苓, 薏苡仁, 夏枯草, 綿萆薢, 澤瀉, 白鮮皮, 車前子, 淡竹葉, 蒼朮, 牡丹皮, 廣藿香, 通草 , 辅料 。

Shan yao, Tu fu ling, Yi yi ren, Xia ku cao, Mian bi xie, Ze xie, Bai xian pi, Che qian zi, Dan zhu ye, Cang zhu, Mu dan pi, Guang huo xiang, Tong cao, Fu liao.

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