Sanhan Huoluo Wan - 散寒活络丸

SKU: Z11020201
Item 203 of 330
€ 12,50 (including BTW/VAT)

Sanhan Huoluo Wan - 散寒活络丸

Functions and Indications: Chasing wind and dispelling cold, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals. For shoulders and backs caused by wind-cold-dampness. Pain, numbness in hands and feet, waist and leg pain, difficulty walking.

Usage and Dosage: Take orally. 1 pill at a time, 2 times a day.
Please read the instructions carefully and use it under the guidance of a doctor

Ingredients: Wu Shao She,Tu bie chong, Di long, Du huo, Qiang huo,Jing Jie, Zhi Chaun wu, Zhi cao wu, Wei ling xian, Fang feng, Xiang fu (made with vinegar), Gui zhi. The auxiliary material is honey.

Specification: Each pill weighs 3g x 10 pills


Brand : Beijing Tong Ren Tang : 北京同仁堂  

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