Dan Qi Jiang Zhi Pian - Lipasavia Form 丹七降脂片

SKU: 23883
Item 20 of 131
€ 16,50 (including BTW/VAT)

0.6g x 60tablet per bottle

Recommended use:
2 tablets to be taken with water 3 times a day, 15 minutes after meals.


Crataegus pinnatifida fruit, Salvia miltiorrhiza root, Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome, Alisma orientalis rhizome, Curcuma longa rhizome, Panax notoginseng root, Coptis chinensis rhizome, Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome, Excipients.

Shan Zha, Dan Shen, Hu Zhang, Ze Xie, Jiang Huang, San Qi, Huang Lian, Chuan Xiong, Fu Liao.

山楂,丹參,虎 杖,澤瀉,姜?,三七,黃連,川芎,輔料。

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