Saffron foot bath powder

Item 56 of 82
€ 7,50 (including BTW/VAT)

Saffron foot bath powder 

8g x 30 bags


– An extremely tired individual is not suitable for foot soaking
– Skin damage around foot area and individuals with burn injuries are not suitable for foot soaking
– Patient with an infectious disease such as Pneumonia, or other acute diseases are not suitable for foot soaking
– Pregnant women are not suitable for foot soaking
– Patient with serious heart disease and patient with mental illness are not suitable for foot disease
– Bronchiectasis patient or brain hemorrhage patient is not suitable for foot soaking
– Patient with an acute disease such as Epidemic Encephalitis B (JE), Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis etc are not suitable for foot soaking

This product is an external product and it cannot replace any medication.


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