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Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan - Zizyphus Form - 酸枣仁汤丸 0.18g x 200 pills Herbal preparation Ingredients: Semen Ziziphi Spinosae 42% Rhizoma Anemarrhenae 16% Poria 16% Rhizoma Chuanxiong 16% Radix Glycyrrhizae 10%[EN] Recommended…
Xue fu zhu yu wan - Destasis Form - 血府逐瘀丸 0.20g x 200 pills Herbal preparation成分 INGREDIENTS: 柴胡 Chai Hu Bupleuri Radix 4% 当归 Dang Gui Angelicae Sinensis Radix 12% 地黄 Di Huang Rehmanniae Radix 12% 赤芍…
Keteling Keli - 咳特灵颗粒 Functions and indications :relieving cough, eliminating phlegm, relieving asthma. For chronic bronchitis cough. 10 grams per bag Usage and Dosage: Orally, 1 bag (10 grams) at a time, 2 times a day.
Product Names: Isatis Granules Ban Lan Gen Chong Ji 板藍根沖劑Actions: EN: Clear heat and detoxify, cool the blood and relieve sore-throat. CN: 清熱解毒,涼血利咽。 DE: Beseitigt Hitze und entgiftet, kühlt das Blut…