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0.20 x 200 pills / bottle
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Jia Wei Xiao yao wan - Easeplus form 0,20g x 200 pills Herbal preparation Ingredients: Radix Bupleuri 11% Radix Angelicae sinesis 11% Radix Paeoniae Alba 11% Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae 11% Poria 11% Radix Glycyrrhizae…
Bu Yang Haun Wu tang wan - Ceres form 补阳还五汤丸 - 脑血康 0.20g x 200 pills Net wt:40g GMP certified - Food supplement 成分 Ingredients: 黄芪 Huang Qi 39% Astragali Radix 赤芍 Chi Shao 17% Paeoniae Radix…