Rose flower & Chinese Date

Item 13 of 24
€ 4,50 (including BTW/VAT)

Rose flower & Chinese Date
1 bag 

This light fragrant soup or dessert is simple to make and is perfect for women who wants to have a 'rosy' radiant complexion. Particularly if you frequently experience premenstrual or post menstrual syndromes such as feeling tired, lack of energy, dizzy, low or irregular menstrual flow, pale complexion, lack of appetite, try taking this soup regularly as it nourishes our lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys. This soup helps to improve blood circulation and prevents anemia by improving red blood cell production. Helps to reduce physical and mental fatigue while calming the nerves and nourishes our Qi. Red dates are rich in Vitamin A, C, proteins & iron. Red dates replenish blood giving the skin a rosy complexion, increases skin metabolism, prevents accumulation of dark spots, giving whitening effects over long term. Roses are great for beautifying & hydrating our skin. It helps our skin to retain moisture, has whitening & anti-oxidant properties while promoting collagen production.

Ingriedients :
Da Zao 25g
Go Ji  zi 5g
Mei Gui Hua 4g
Long yan rou 15g
Bai zhu 5g

Water 800ml
Brown/Red suger (optional)


  1. Rinse and soak the red dates for 15 mins. Remove seeds and cut into half.

  2. Rinse the other ingredients and set aside.

  3. Note: This soup can be taken daily except during the menstrual period. It’s best to take it for 1-3 days after the menstrual period to replenish blood loss and nourish Qi.

  4. Bring the water to a boil. Add the red dates and longan and bai zhu. Boil/Simmer for 20mins.

  5. Add in the rose buds and goji berries, boil for 5mins.

  6. If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add the brown/red sugar. Alternatively you can add more dried longan.

  7. Turn off fire. Serve while warm.

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