Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Wan - 柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤丸

SKU: 9032
Item 38 of 327
€ 7,50 (including BTW/VAT)

Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Wan - Bupleurum & D.S. Form - 柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯丸
0.18x200 pills

Radix Bupleuri 32.5%
Rheum Officinale baill 12.5%
Fructus Jujubae 12.5%
Radix scutellariae 14.38%
Zingiber Officinale 9.38%
Ramulus Cinnamomi 9.38%
Poria Cocos 9.36%

主要成份:柴胡,大黄(切),大枣(章),黄芩,生姜, 桂枝(去皮),茯苓。
主要成份:Chai Hu, Da Huang(Qie), Da Zhao(Bo), Huang Qin, Sheng Jiang, Gui Zhi(Qu Pi), Fu Ling.

CN-用法与用量: 口服,成人每日三次,每次八丸。
GB-Recommended use: Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.
NL-Aanbevolen gebruik: 3 maal daags 8 pillen.
D-Empfohlene Anwendung: 3 mal täglich 8 Tabletten.
FR-Application recommandée: 3 fois par jour 8 comprimés.
IT-Istruzioni per uso: 3 volte al giorno 8 pillole.
ES-Instrucciones de uso: 3 veces al dia, 8 pastillas.

- Consult your herbalist or physician before use it.
- Keep out of reach of children.

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