Ban Xia Bai Zhu (Tian Ma) Wan - 半夏白术天麻丸

SKU: 9031
Item 21 of 332
€ 7,25 (including BTW/VAT)

Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Wan  - 半夏白朮天麻湯丸

Expels phlegm and supplements the vital energy, eliminates dampness in the body and removes stasis. It is used for internal injury of the spleen and the stomach, dizziness, severe headache, nausea, annoyance, cold limbs and habitual headache.

0.18/0.19 Gram x 200 Pills
Atractylodes Rhizoma ​31.58% Citrus Gradis Exocarpium 21.06%  Poria Cocos 21.05%  Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice) 5.26% Zingiber Radix (Fresh Ginger) 5.26% Ziziphus Fructus 15.79%

主要成份: 白术,橘红,茯苓, 甘草,生姜,大枣。
Bai Zhu, Ju Hong, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao.

GB-Recommended use: Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.
NL-Aanbevonlen gebruik: 3 maal daags 8 pillen.
D-Empfohlenen Anwendung: 3 mal täglich 8 Tabletten.
FR-Application recommandée: 3 fois par jour 8 comprimés.
IT-Istruzioni per uso: 3 volte al giorno 8 pillole.
ES-Instrucciones de uso: 3 veces al dia, 8 pastillas.

- Consult your herbalist or physician before use it.
- Keep out of reach of children.

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