Bai Hu Jia Gui zhi Tang - White Tiger plus Cinnamon Twig - 1 bag

Item 3 of 24
€ 3,50 (including BTW/VAT)
Shi Gao30 gram
Zhi Mu9 gram
Geng Mi15 gram
Zhi Gan Cao3 gram
Gui Zhi 9 gram

- Clear Excess internal heat, Generates Fluids
-Expels wind-damp, opens the channels.
Painful swollen burning joints, limited mobility in joints. Also with fever that is not relieved by sweating. 
Tongue:white coat
Pulse: Wiry, Rapid
-Formula for excess heat in the lungs and stomach. It nourishes fluids as it sedates fire. 


Whole Herbs: Using a container made of ceramic, glass, or stainless steel (no aluminum, iron or copper) boil 1 packet of herbs in 3-4-quarts (or liters) of water or until 3 cups of medicine remain.(25-30 min) Adjust lid to keep too much water from evaporating. Strain herbs; save and refrigerate for a second boiling. Drink 3 cups a day 15 minute after a meal, breakfast,lunch and dinner. If desired, repeat the following day, using the saved herbs from the refrigerator.

Source: Acupuncture desk reference 

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